Course Description

All training in Connective Tissue Techniques is based in a kinesthetic understanding and application of Bartenieff Fundamentals and Laban Movement Analysis.

Bartenieff Fundamentals and Laban Movement Analysis (BF/LMA) for Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers

24 NCBTMB CEs through Getting Better Bodywork, NY, NY
4-day intermediate course
Lectures, demonstrations, experiential movement and hands-on practice. Body and movement awareness specifically for Massage and Bodywork
Therapists who wish to improve their movement observation skills
while improving their own self-care and care of their clients. Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) provides experiential, descriptive, and
integrated movement awareness, attending to the body’s changing shape and dynamics and its relationships in space.

Bartenieff Fundamentals (BF), based on LMA, teaches movement re patterning for greater efficiency and expressivity and organizes those patterns dynamically through space.

BF/LMA can enhance quality of movement function and expressivity in all areas of movement life. It offers greater insight into the practitioner’s own movement habits and preferences, allowing for recognition of both healthy and possibly harmful personal movement patterning.

Course Topics and Movement Experiences Include:

  • Connections
  • Breath
  • Dynamic Alignment
  • Internal Support and Shaping
  • Modes of shape change
  • Developmental Patterning
  • Initiation and Sequencing
  • Kinesphere
  • Spatial forms
  • Upper Body Movement and Support
  • Gradated Rotation Grounding
  • Weight Shift
  • Level Change
  • Propulsion
  • Effort: Expressiveness, Rhythm, Phrasing
  • Diagonals
  • Spatial Intent
  • Integration Through Moving
  • Application through Practice
What you should bring:
– Wear clothing in which you are comfortable moving and that is closely fitting enough so movement can be observed
– Bring exercise towel or mat for movement on the floor
– Massage table, draping, oils, etc.

Ready to find out more?

If you would like to enroll or want more information, please click here.

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