Connective Tissue Techniques, LLC is a non-profit educational organization that teaches Bartenieff Fundamentals of Movement and Laban Movement Analysis to massage therapists, somatic movement therapists, and others interested in body work.

Welcome is an educational organization. We teach massage therapists, somatic movement therapists, and others interested in body work. Our work, which has been evolving for over 35 years, is unique hands-on fascial work, based on an integration of Bindegewebsmassage, Bartenieff Fundamentals of Movement, and Laban Movement Analysis. These techniques have helped us maintain our long term health as practitioners. Our goal is to teach these unique practices for the health and well being of practitioners and their clients.

Our workshops include:  Training in Connective Tissue Therapies, which is direct fascial work; Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals movement for massage therapists and other body workers; and movement retraining as it relates to the individual practitioner’s movement patterns and movement health.

Massage Therapists, Somatic Movement Therapists, and all other body and movement oriented workers can benefit from this work.

Stabilization exercise for core support with ball, Cary NC

Next Steps…

If you would like more information, please Contact Us.