John Chanik

John Chanik, BFA, CMA, CTT, RSMT, has taught and worked in the fields of Movement Analysis and movement therapy extensively since 1989. Senior Faculty and Coordinator for the Yearlong Certificate Program at the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies (LIMS) in NYC . He has served as faculty on the Yearlong, Modular and Intensive Programs at LIMS since 1991. John also teaches for Moving On Center’s Somatic Movement Therapy Training program in NYC and has taught in Connective Tissue Therapy training programs given by Theresa Lamb.

John maintains a private practice in therapeutic fitness, movement coaching and Connective Tissue Techniques. John has worked with many different client populations from the elderly to dancers on issues ranging from maintaining a high level of function to managing chronic injuries and body conditions.

John worked as a movement therapist in neuromuscular repatterning at Dr. Richard Bachrach’s Center for Osteopathic Medicine from 1990 to 1997 John has an extensive background in modern dance and ballet and holds a BFA from the University of Utah.

email: [email protected]