2018 has been a busy year for Connective Tissue Techniques, LLC. Jackie took on a self-motivated research project in July 2017 looking at Bartenieff Fundamentals x-rolls in relationship to working with the intracranial membrane, a fascial structure within the cranium. She presented her findings jointly at an International Laban Conference in New York City on June 1st with Diane Woodruff, http://www.body-in-motion.com, a Canadian Certified Movement Analyst who has done extensive investigation of the dural tube in relationship to movement and Bartenieff Fundamentals. The presentation in a room filled to capacity was a huge success with much interest and many questions concerning the investigations. High praise was given by Dr. Martha Eddy http://drmarthaeddy.com and others in the community, and valued by both Jackie and Dianne. The Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies will be publishing their abstracts.

Jackie’s research paper on her work is forthcoming in 2019.